Title: Meet Dr. Warner Heathman
Body: Dr. Heathman is our oral surgeon on the trip. He is from Houston, Texas. We met up with him in the Atlanta airport and got to know him a little bit. He has practicing dentistry for over 25 years, and because he is an oral surgeon, he is able to do a lot from the people.
Body: Dr. Heathman is our oral surgeon on the trip. He is from Houston, Texas. We met up with him in the Atlanta airport and got to know him a little bit. He has practicing dentistry for over 25 years, and because he is an oral surgeon, he is able to do a lot from the people.
Our students have loved serving with him. I have been looking for an opportunity to be in there myself but to no avail as that is the team most requested to be on. Pulling teeth is cool! Doc has a quirky sense of humor that the students love. On the plane from Atlanta to Manaus, he sat next to Sierra, and on the boat someone introduce him to her and he replied, "Oh, I know Sierra!, We got high together
.. 37,000 feet high" He seems to always be smiling, even when pulling teeth. It is obvious that he loves his work.
Today, he pulled 8 teeth out of one person's mouth (the rest of the persons teeth) and had to sow inside the patient's mouth. Julia was the one holding the patient's head when all of this was happening, and seemed to dig a little closer look than the Discovery Channel offers.
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